How 20,000 Women Revived a Dead River in Tamil Nadu
Over the past several days, these columns have been carrying reports on the sorry state of rivers in Tamil Nadu and how it impacted the lives millions of people.
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Over the past several days, these columns have been carrying reports on the sorry state of rivers in Tamil Nadu and how it impacted the lives millions of people.
The mass tree plantation initiative in Vellore district is nearing completion, according to Collector S.A. Raman.
Under the scheme, saplings raised by the respective panchayat unions in the 20 blocks of the district were being planted in government ‘poramboke’ lands and roadsides.
Over the past several days, these columns have been carrying reports on the sorry state of rivers in Tamil Nadu and how it impacted the lives millions of people. But, the story of Naganathi is a shining example of how concerted human effort can resurrect a dead river and its ecosystem.
While newspapers can sometimes fill us up with dismay and hopelessness, there are stories we do not get to hear of, that do offer respite. One such story is that of rural women of Kammavaanpettai, Tamil Nadu, who brought back the Naganadhi river to life that ran dry for the last 15 years.
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